Spotlight on Strength and Conditioning Degree Programmes
Universities are at the forefront of the S&C industry. The degree courses that they offer, and the students that they educate, are shaped and guided by universities and therefore they have a massive influence on the future of the S&C profession. In this series of articles, we will be looking at the different S&C degree courses on offer around the world. Over the past few years the number of these courses has grown dramatically and there are now many at undergraduate and postgraduate level. We will be highlighting what these courses cover and what makes them unique. If you are interested in studying S&C at university level, then hopefully these will help guide your decision making and help you choose the right course for you.
Next up is MSc Strength and Conditioning at the University of Greenwich, which is lead by Dr Fernando Naclerio.
MSc Strength and Conditioning - University of Greenwich
Our Master of Sciences in Strength and Conditioning was created to be one of the best international postgraduate qualifications in the sports sciences area. The programme provides a large foundation in all strength and conditioning subjects, including athletic preparation for different disciplines, e.g. team sports, martial arts, boxing, track and field, swimming, gymnastic, endurance, weightlifting or powerlifting, cross-fit or general fitness preparation, etc. Furthermore, different from other similar programmes we give particular attention to working with children and adolescents as well as older adults and special population (hypertensive, obese, diabetics, etc). Indeed, our current agreement with the National Health Services (NHS) opens a new avenue for our students to work as physiologists integrating a team with other health related professionals (Physicians, nurses, etc.). Our course also emphasises the relevance of strength and conditioning professionals for preventing injuries and being considering an essential component within a multidisciplinary team focused on the rehabilitation and retraining process for injured athletes.
Our MSc programme was one of the first in being awarded as Certified Educational Recognised Programme by the National Strength and Conditioning Associating (NSCA). Only recognised ERP courses are considered to accomplish with the high-quality standards of education in the United Kingdom. Within this context, we offer all of our students the possibility of applying for being certified as Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) by the NSCA or preparing for the to become an accredited coach (ASCC) United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA). These are some of the most respected strength and conditioning related organisations in the world.
In addition to this, special attention is also given to sports nutrition and supplements. Our course offers the possibility to apply for a professional certification in Sports Nutrition by the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN).
Overall, our programme will give you the opportunity to be integrated and enjoy an outstanding environment for Learning and Research at the Centre for Science & Medicine in Sport and Exercise at the University of Greenwich. After the completion of our MSc, you will be able to work all around the world in several areas within the sports science field.
Want to find out more about studying MSc Strength and Conditioning in sport? Head over to the University of Greenwich's website, Or give Dr Fernando Naclerio a follow!
Dr Fernando Naclerio
MSc Strength & Conditioning
Centre for Science and Medicine in Sport and Exercise

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